The Magical Garden, East Sussex

This project transformed a meticulously maintained show garden into a vibrant, biodiverse landscape for a private estate, focusing on ecological restoration and rewilding.

Key Features:

  • Food Forest Agroforestry System: Integrating fruits, nuts, and berries with supportive species for a diverse, productive ecosystem.

  • No-Dig Market Garden: A vegetable plot providing the household with organic produce, minimizing soil disturbance.

  • Small-Scale Reforestation: Planting 3,000 native trees to restore woodland areas and increase biodiversity.

  • Livestock Integration and Sustainable Coppicing: Implementing techniques to rejuvenate the soil and provide renewable resources, while enhancing wildlife movement and habitat.

  • Sustainable coppice system: supplying year-round fuel for the fires of the house.

  • Rewilding pockets: inviting in many of the original fauna and flora.

Initially a formal garden, the land had become degraded with compacted soils and low biodiversity. By selecting native species and reintroducing wildlife, the estate now thrives as a biodiverse ecosystem. The transformation allowed natural habitats to flourish, from buzzing pollinators to nesting buzzards, while maintaining a beautiful, self-sustaining garden for the client.


Immersive wild glamping, Ashdown Forest


Regenerative Orchards and Agroforestry, High Weald