Hearth Farm Project, High Weald

We are working with forward thinking landowners on a journey to bring the worlds of farming and nature restoration closer together. This 113-acre project bringing together agroecology and sustainable farming, designed to restore natural systems while enhancing productivity on a historic estate.

Key Features:

  • Creation of a 30-acre keyline orchard for fruit and nut production.

  • 35 acres of native woodland restoration for biodiversity enhancement.

  • 40 acres dedicated to regenerative viticulture.

  • Introduction of integrated livestock systems.

  • Rewilding initiatives to encourage natural ecological processes.

  • Wild beehives throughout 

  • Natural and considered deer management 

This project brings a dynamic mix of food production, rewilding, and natural water management to an estate steeped in history. Hearth Farm is a living example of how regenerative farming and ecological stewardship can work in harmony to restore both landscape and livelihoods.


Gallery Gardens, Hampshire


The Homestead, East Sussex